💎 Futur3ology breaks 1m, John Wick creator takes on NFT Wizards and new TV network pays viewers to watch: The Content3 Weekly 👏

Ga frens!

I’ve been focussing on other things but am now back to deliver the Content3 Newsletter every Friday 🤩

It’s been quite the month for NFTs, Crypto and Web3 in general. Valuations have been dropping like flies, and many crypto enthusiasts have lost their life savings 😓

But instead of walking away from the current dumpster 🔥 of Web3, I’ve decided to double down with this Content3 weekly newsletter 🏋️

Why? Am I crazy?

Of course I am 😀

But TTTT, TTTT. Having watched the carnage of recent weeks, I am now MORE confident about the emerging creator economy in Web3.

The projects keep coming, the innovation is compounding, and the communities keep growing.

The rise of NFTs has offered young content creators a new route to getting paid for making exciting work.

It's a generational opportunity.

This means they don’t have to go and beg at the gates of TV networks, publishers and studios.

They can develop projects and take them out to their peers to get financed directly by their customers and communities, without relying solely on advertising or global platforms like YouTube.

Also, the realisation that producers and audiences don’t need broadcasters or publishers anymore is forcing older companies into fresh ways of thinking.

It is acting as a huge wake-up call to an industry that had got comfortable with the status quo.

And a few weeks of financial turmoil won’t close the new door that has opened.

So, I’m back on my horse and excited to share 🤠

Here is my pick of the headlines where content meets Web3 this week:

NFT Wizards magicked into animated series by top Hollywood writer

Summary: John Wick creator Derek Kolstad will write and exec a new 8x60 animated series based upon the Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult NFT collection.  This will be fully financed by Magic Machine, whose business model grants commercial rights to all of its NFT owners. This allows the community of Wizard NFT holders to hold a portion of the proceeds generated by the upcoming television series.

Check out the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oye2PdQq7xI&t=42s

Source:  https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/john-wick-derek-kolstad-forgotten-runes-wizards-cult-series-1235257501/

Sam’s take: Animation is the main video genre for early adoption into the NFT funded show space. And by picking a successful NFT franchise with a heavily engaged community, the show has a built-in audience.  But it also has thousands of stakeholders, so it will be fascinating to see how the project turns out.

New TV network pays viewers to watch their shows

Summary: Replay, a blockchain video tracking and payments platform has launched Rewarded.tv, a free-to-air streamer which instead of charging a subscription, actually pays viewers to watch its shows

Source: https://thestreamable.com/news/replay-announces-rewarded-tv-ad-free-no-subscription-blockchain-streamer

Sam’s take: There are several Web3 platforms with the same idea, including MContent. But Rewarded looks and feels simple and sturdy to use.  However, the content on offer is non-exclusive and there are a lot of dated library titles on offer.  However, the paid-to-view model is a potential game-changer - will Rewarded.tv inspire a shift in business model from other broadcasters?

Crypto show passes 1mn views:

Summary: Jungle Creations has announced that its new social media show Futur3ology has passed 1 million views across Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. The show - which Jungle’s co-CEO Melissa Chapman talked us through on our previous Content3 Forum - has also gained around 125,000 subscribers already.

Check out the gram: https://www.instagram.com/futur3ology/

Source: https://pressgazette.co.uk/futur3ology/

Sam’s take: It’s great that Jungle Creations is engaging with young audiences around Web3 and adjacent topics.  But will carefully balanced explainer content around Web3 continue to cut through on noisy social platforms? Or will the brand need to shift to a broader technology remit?

Web3 event premieres at Cannes film festival

Summary: The Future of Film event will be held on May 20th alongside the famous movie event in Cannes.  Jointly hosted by publisher Decrypt, Decentralised Pictures and FF3, this day of discussion will explore how Web3 technologies will change the face of the film industry.

Source: How Web3 is Revolutionizing the Film Industry

Sam’s take: With more and more film projects dropping over recent months, it makes absolute sense for the film industry to engage with Web3 technology.  And it’s great that pioneering companies in the space are hosting this event.  I would expect this day of discussions to be very well attended in Cannes.

So, thanks for reading this week's Content3 newsletter.

If you have been forwarded this email, please subscribe for free to get the top stories where content meets web3 every Friday.

Have a gret weekend! WAGMI

Sam Barcroft

Sam Barcroft

Creative entrepreneur and strategist with over 30 years experience of building media businesses