Is TV's production bubble about to burst? Join Derren Lawford, the Angell Brothers and me at 1700 TODAY... The Entrepreneurs Live Call

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Covid was a huge shock to the TV industry.
All production stopped almost overnight. And getting back into production was fraught with difficulties.
Conversely, for digital content creators, Covid was a massive moment of opportunity. Income for social publishers went through the roof - and production could continue, all be it in different ways.
So after Covid, TV networks and streamers were desperate for content, and once production could be restarted safely, they spent money like it was going out of fashion to refill their cupboards.
But for social publishers, a combination of events - including Apple's Ask Not To Track feature change - meant that 2022 was an extremely challenging year.
So... will 2023 be the year where television production eases off, and social publishing returns to a sustainable new normal?
To find out, please join me at 1700 GMT today when I'll be discussing how 2023 will play out with Derren Lawford, Founder and CEO of Rare Pictures, and Tom and Miles Angell of The Angell Brothers.
You must REGISTER HERE in advance to join the call.
We'll be joined by members of our community of content entrepreneurs, and I look forward to hearing your views and answering your questions.