
Announcing Content 3.0

Well, as the games industry has shown us, there is a huge demand for imaginary worlds to which people can retreat and escape. And I'm sure that whatever your creative discipline, the 100% created nature of these metaverses will offer innumerable ways to inspire and enlighten people around the world.

How to get huge wins with breakthrough content

Buyers want new suppliers to offer them something that is high risk enough to also be high reward. Once I figured this out, I managed to get work with new customers time and again by offering them content that wasn't available via anybody else which also had breakthrough hit potential.

Why you must ask more stupid questions

Coming into a world with an open mind and a blank sheet of paper allows you to question fundamental norms. You're not being held back by convention; you never have to say "but it's the way we've always done it". Getting excited about new worlds is infectious.